tiistai 16. helmikuuta 2016

Valentine's day & Deadpool!

Hello, and happy Valentine's everyone!

Oh yes, I'm a bit late, but that's only because I haven't been home that much. I was in Lappeenranta, meeting my best friend after such a loong loong time! I was really happy to see her. Really, she's so dear to me~!

First I missed my train and I was really comfortless, but my other friend Pinja came to the trainstation to check on me and keep me some company. I'm so thankful! I had to do my makeup all over again at least three times because I got so emotional, haha~! But after an hour I was in the next train, on my way to Lappeenranta!

When I finally got there, I was starting to feel a bit restless and unsure. I didn't exactly know what to do and I was even afraid, haha! All for nothing, - she came soon with two of her friends and I was finally relaxed. I felt so comfortable the whole evening! Her family was as nice as I remembered them to be and I can't recall sleeping that well at least for months.

We watched some movies, such as The Babadook (which ended up becoming one of my favorites) and 11/11/11. We also saw some Finnish horror-comedies.. well.. they were alright, I guess lol!

Such a messy bed..
On Friday I felt a bit uneasy. I was going back home that day and neither of us was sure when we would meet again. Hopefully soon! Then, my hair-dying went terribly wrong, and I had to change all my plans about my looks that day. That especially caused really much discomfort, but I got over it eventually and bought a new can of hairbleach.

Then! As it was the Valentine's,  Mizu took me to this nice and quiet place for some cake and tea. I got myself some Ealr Grey and Strawberrycake. It was delicious! And of course I loved just being with her too!
We met one of her friends too, just by an accident. I didn't get the chance to get to know her since I was too shy, but she seemed like a really nice person!

Before I even noticed, I was in a train back on my way home. I was sad, yes, but it was nice to see Siina again. Besides, the next day I was going to see the Deadpool with this guy from my class.

About that, - it was awesome. Inappropriate humour on it's best, we both liked it very much.  Loved it, actually! Just hoping to see Wolvie and Wade in a same movie one day...

By the Monday morning I had already dyed my hair again, and now it's not that bad! I had a good day, playing with Siina outside and so on, before leaving to the cinema. It was a bit late when I got home, and the rest of the night I spent reading fanfics..

That caused me to oversleep some big time, and I didn't even have the time to do my makeup in the morning, nor have my morning tea. Despite of that, everything was fine and I met one of my friends today as well. Onni helped me with some school projects but my video editor isn't the most cooperating thing in this world, so I hope my teacher won't be mad if I apologize her for it... Wish me luck!
Huge baby <3

Then I talked on the phone with one of my dearest friends, Alexandra, and it made me feel so much better! Big thanks to her!

Tomorrow I'm going to talk with the student counselor about my future. A bit nervous about that too but it'll be fine! Also Ghost B.C won an Emmy- award last night and I'm so happy!

See you soon, lot's of love!


2 kommenttia:

  1. Babadook on kyl viimevuoden paras kauhu-uutuus, enpä muista aikoihin nähneeni yhtä mielenkiintosta kuvaa! Vaikka juoni ja muu oli aika perus kauraa, oli siinä silti jotaa sellasta mikä teki siit keskivertoa huomattavasti paremman kauhupätkän!

    1. Joo tykkäsin kans sen sellasesta tietynlaisesta erikoisuudesta, vaikkei se juoni itessään ollut kummoinen. Hyvää ohjaustyötä vissiin!
